
Monday, December 7, 2009

Mele Kalikimaka

Finally, it is now cool enough to really get some things done in the pond. Starting new plants, moving fish, some of you even preparing for your koi to spawn. Last springs koi are by now headed for market and it will soon be time to shop for baby koi. Look for good quality Japanese koi at the Fish Shack soon.

Also with cooler water temps, you may feed a little extra Pond Premium Koi feed. Remember Maui koi don't hibernate like their mainland cousins, actually they need to put on weight for the spawn. If you're serious about breeding koi, it's probably time to switch to Super Koi now to get the most from your females.

Lotus fanciers, lotus will soon be available along in Febuary. Victoria waterlilies to follow a little later in the season.

As always, we have a bumper crop of tropical waterlilies to dress up the pond for the holidays.

Happy Holidays from all of us at the Fish Shack, Maui's Waterlily Farm.

Oh and don't forget our pond cleaning service!

Aloha, Dennis and Luana Mitchell

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Late-Summer lotus tubers available!

FYI ---

We have a few "Green Maiden" lotus tubers available and ready for planting. And also a very nice batch of Shubunkins!

Enduring summer's heat

Hello Maui!

August can be the most difficult month for water gardening. On one hand, amazing blooms are appearing all over the surface of the water. Most of them are welcomed. Some of them are floating algae blooms. The pond that is usually quite manageable during most of the year, can truely present challenges at this time. But this is no time to do a whole pond clean-out, especially those of you with large, specimen-sized koi. Warm temperatures mean lower oxygen levels and increased stress when they are handled. But this IS a good time to be leafing and vacuuming your pond.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

maui ponds -july reminders

hey peeps , lotus are in full swing here at the fish shack maui we are begining limited root sales monday 7/6/09 also our tropical lilys are absoluotley beautiful .Our red stemed thalia are 6' tall only $25 . Keep in mind this time of year you should be fertilizing lotus [nelumbo] and waterlily's[nymphaea] monthly. Depending on your situation addition water changes are also called for . We have a limited number of victoria waterlilly's[longwood hybrid]$129.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Aquatic marginal plants on Maui

Smile damselfly

What a cute little guy! We have tons of dragonflies and damselflies that frequent our waterlily holding ponds at the baseyard.

More waterliles for sale here on Maui

Waterlilies on Maui

Yes! We sell waterlilies here on Maui!

We bring in our waterlilies from Luster Aquatic Nursery in Florida. The owner, Craig Presnell is a world-famous, award-winning waterlily hybridizer. We are SOOOOO fortunate to have his beautiful lilies for sale here on Maui.

Here are some pictures of just SOME of the gorgeous waterlilies we have for sale:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

List of services, products here on Maui

People have expressed confusion over what we do, so we've compiled a list of the services we provide and the "hit parade" of products we carry. Call us if you have any questions about anything you see here - 873-9999:

Services- Pond, water garden, water features
Consultation - design, filtration systems, fish and plant health
Cleanings (monthly maintenance and one-timers)

45 mil pond liner (sold by the square foot, cut-to-size)
Sand and bead pond filters
Submersible and inline pond pumps
Small and desktop fountain pumps
Replacement pump parts
Ultraviolet Pond Clarifying Units
Replacement UV lamps, quartz sleeves and transformers
Various filter media (poly-dacron sheets, bio-balls, Ultimate media)
Water conditioners
Algaecides - fish/plant safe
Fish food - *custom-formulated*, aquaculture-grade, FRESH fish food
POND PREMIUM Koi Feed - purchased by all the hotels and resorts on Maui!

Goldfish - fancy and pond comets
Guppies - fancy and pond guppies
Colorful Pond Livebearers
Gouramis - good for water gardens and mosquito pots

Waterlilies - named and unnamed varieties
Shallow water flowering - Yellow Fringe, White Fringe, Snowflake
Marginals plants - cattails, thalia, papyrus, taro
Submerged plants - anacharis, hornwort

Floating plants - NONE! These are illegal in the state of Hawaii!

Ok... let's try this here Blog Stuff

Blogging... quite a foreign idea for folks used to getting their hands *wet* everyday. Yes, we use our computer daily, but it's more a glorified typewriter for writing up invoices and proposals for clients and for emailing vendors. But apparently search engines like blogs, so....

We'll see how this goes, but remember... you can always just call us or stop by the baseyard. We're right behind the Treats & Sweets (aka the old Dairy Queen) on Lono Ave in Kahului.